International Journal of Small Economies

an International peer-reviewed academic journal on public policy in small economies and nations, island nations and developing countries

About IJSE

The International Journal of Small Economies is a peer-reviewed journal published by MaldivesResearch. It is designed to generate interest and academic debate in all matters relating to public policy in small economies. Manuscripts may be submitted as, inter alia, case studies, comparative analyses, theories, book reviews, etc. No topic is excluded from consideration provided it is of relevance to public policy of small economies.

The following is a list of non-exhaustive areas on which articles may be written: environment, socio-economic development, law, governance, technology, etc. Interdisciplinary articles are also welcome.

The current full list of 89 ‘Small Economies’ include 1)Small States 2) Least Developed Countries and 3) Small Island Developing States. Some of these countries are “Small States” as defined by (Commonwealth Advisory Group, 1997). Some are Least Developed Countries as defined by World Trade Organisation and the UN while others are Small Island Developing States (SIDS) as defined by the Organsation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Email for more information.

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Angola
  3. Antigua & Barbuda
  4. Aruba
  5. Bahamas The
  6. Bahrain
  7. Bangladesh
  8. Barbados
  9. Belize
  10. Benin
  11. Bhutan
  12. Brunei
  13. Burkina Faso
  14. Burundi
  15. Cambodia
  16. Cape Verde
  17. Central African Republic
  18. Chad
  19. Comoros
  20. Cook Islands
  21. Cuba
  22. Cyprus
  23. Democratic Republic of the Congo
  24. Djibouti
  25. Dominica
  26. Dominican Republic
  27. Equatorial Guinea
  28. Eritrea
  29. Estonia
  30. Federated States of Micronesia
  31. Fiji
  32. Gabon
  33. Gambia
  34. Grenada
  35. Guinea
  36. Guinea Bissau
  37. Guyana
  38. Haiti
  39. Jamaica
  40. Kiribati
  41. Lao People’s Democratic Republic
  42. Lesotho
  43. Liberia
  44. Madagascar
  45. Malawi
  46. Maldives
  47. Mali
  48. Malta
  49. Marshall Islands
  50. Mauritania
  51. Mauritius
  52. Micronesia Fed. States
  53. Mozambique
  54. Myanmar
  55. Nauru
  56. Nepal
  57. Netherlands Antilles
  58. Niger
  59. Niue
  60. Palau
  61. Papua New Guinea
  62. Qatar
  63. Rwanda
  64. Samoa
  65. São Tomé and Príncipe
  66. Senegal
  67. Seychelles
  68. Sierra Leone
  69. Singapore
  70. Solomon Islands
  71. Tokelau
  72. Somalia
  73. St. Kitts and Nevis
  74. St. Lucia
  75. St. Vincent and the Grenadines
  76. Sudan
  77. Suriname
  78. Swaziland
  79. Timor-Leste
  80. Togo
  81. Tonga
  82. Trinidad & Tobago
  83. Tuvalu
  84. Uganda
  85. United Republic of Tanzania
  86. US Virgin Islands.
  87. Vanuatu
  88. Yemen
  89. Zambia

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