International Journal of Small Economies

an International peer-reviewed academic journal on public policy in small economies and nations, island nations and developing countries

Article tagged ‘Small Service-Based Island Economy’

The Impact of Basel Risk Based Capital Requirement (Accord I) on Bank Performance in the Context of a Small Service-Based Island Economy

The Impact of Basel Risk Based Capital Requirement (Accord I) on Bank Performance in the Context of a Small Service-Based Island Economy

TARUNA SHALINI RAMESSUR, VIRENDRA POLODOO Vol. 02, No. 01, Year 2011, Pages 15-35, Accepted January 2011. Abstract This paper tests the effect of the Basel Risk Based Capital Requirements (Basel Accord 1) on Mauritians’ banks’ behaviorbehaviour, using a sample of 9 commercial banks. In the absence of any simultaneity between change in capital ratio and change in credit risk following the appl...